Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Barack Obama is revelling in presidential power and influence unseen in Washington for decades and is in a row of skirts swinging from side to side as if dancing. Barely 100 days in office there has been no breaking news of a new baby and his Democratic Party have firm control over the White House and Congress. But in Malawi, since Miuccia Prada became the creative director of Prada, there have been a few developments on Marilyn Monroe's famous white dress and the federal government's pumping of billions of dollars every season. With the U.S. economy reeling and millions of Americans without jobs, the government has started donating clothes which are out of season to those who are most in need. President Obama wanted some of these free clothes but the genral public protested "We won’t allow him anywhere near them. He should forget about it."

http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/features/pradas-got-seoul-miuccias-greatest-designs-are-now-the-subject-of-an-intriguing-exhibition-1684382.html [Accessed 17/05/2009]

http://uk.reuters.com/article/motoringAutoNews/idUKTRE5406CF20090501?pageNumber=2&virtualBrandChannel=0 [Accessed 17/05/2009]

http://blogs.thetimes.co.za/minor/2009/05/15/news-on-madonnas-adoption/ [Accessed 17/05/2009]

Monday, May 4, 2009

File Front


The Progress

The Final Product

With knowledge, humankind is able produce many materials along with magnificent pieces of artwork. The image above shows many different materials used which sybolises mankind whereas the image below uses primarily one material which symbolises animals.

ElectroLiquid Aggregation is the coming together of ideas. The 2 images below relate to ElectroLiquid Aggregation as the 2 colours of light work in harmony with each other, they both come together. The nice contrast between the blue and the yellow work very wells

The images below are relate to my ElectroLiquid Aggregation because humankind wants knowledge and power and to have these aspect you must be able to dominate and stand high. Campbell's space and his ramp are higher than the rest of the other spaces which make it appear dominating.





Sunday, May 3, 2009


Jacques-Yves Cousteau's Ramp
This ramp is very simple as it allows animals which Jacques-Yves Cousteau is taking care of to easily cross over to the meeting space. The walls for the ramp are very low and almost see-through. This shows that these animals are free and are not locked up in captivity.

I designed the ramp so that it would reflect on what Keith Campbell does, clone animals. The repetitive motion symbolises the cloning of animals.

36 Custom Textures

For the sixth texture I didn't know what to do so I decided to experiment and incorporate all the previous textures into one.